jueves, 22 de diciembre de 2016

Gift-o-Meter CHALLENGE #3

I'm back for the final post of the Gift-O-Meter Challenge!

I styled until number 7, so in this post I will finish styling 8, 9 and 10!

I have to say that the most difficult item was the purple dress, but I'm pretty happy with the result., hope you like it too!

Here we go!

8.1 GOM Pink Diamond Choker
This choker was asking for a super chic look!

8.2 GOM Lavender Silk Gown
The most difficult item to combine... Nothing fitted it! But then I found that shirt and those earrings, and I love the final outfit, it's pretty cute!

9. GOM Love More Tshirt Dress
I hate this dress, it's not my style at all. It gives me some 80's vibes and I think that my outfit reflects that! Now I don't hate it as much as before haha

10.1 GOM Plexi Nude Heels
For these heels I went for a sweet, delicate and romantic total white look with golden details. I love the result!

10.2 Hair and GOM Plexi Nude Heels
When I first put the hair on my doll I thought "omg I look like a Barbie!"... And yes, I still think so haha! But I didn't try to hide it or cover it with something. In fact, I tried quite the opposite making a feminine and elegant outfit. 
And I added the shoes again cause they go perfectly with the outfit, right? 

10.3 GOM Fade Out Black Denim
For this outfit I tried to give some... light to the jeans because they're a bit plane, so I think that these tones of green and blue go perfectly and make the outfit brighter!

I'm a bit dissapointed with those jeans because they are practically the same as the ones of the last LE collection, but in black. LE is supossed to be limited and unique, right? I really think that Stardoll shoudn't do these kind of things, even if it's not an LE item it seems like Stardoll becomes a bit lazy sometimes... (I had to complain about this, sorry haha)

And that's all! I hope you enjoyed this challenge as much as I did and if you liked this, I'll do more challenges!

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